Shutting Down

The saga continues…

We had a department meeting yesterday and were informed that the department was being dissolved and all the employees would be assigned to other departments.

I still haven’t heard anything. I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t know what I’m doing.

I’m just panicking.

I feel like I should feel fine because I didn’t get laid off. I shouldn’t be anxious because I still have a great job.

But what job is it? And when will I find out?

I know I’m being a negative Nelly, but being anxious wears me out.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Fiona
    Nov 18, 2011 @ 02:05:20

    Oh, I would be panicking too ! I think it is just the not knowing of what will happen and where you will be, i guess we like to know what is happening all the time when we have these disorders. Big Hugs and im sure everything will be fine xx


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