The Best Things in Life

I made three cakes today.

Notice I didn’t say, “I baked three cakes today.” Because, honestly, the kitchen would probably be on fire right now.

I’m actually talking about yarn cakes. After I learned how to knit, I became fascinated by the process. Not just from casting on to binding off, but taking a skein of yarn…

Lots of pretty skeins at The Knitting Nest!

and turning it into a cake.

A yummy cake, indeed!

Then spinning came into play and the process started with dyeing, spinning, plying, washing, thwacking, drying, and knotting into a skein.

Our first few skeins hanging to dry after a good thwacking.

I haven’t made a cake in a while. I had forgotten how fun it is to watch the yarn swift whirl around and hear the click on the handle on the ball winder. It’s actually a bit of a soothing sound.

And since I’ve started going to the hypnotist, I’m now taking in the sights, sounds, and other senses of the world and enjoying more each day.

My homework this week is to list 10 accomplishments in my life. I think learning to knit, and especially appreciating the process, is one of them.