Daily Affirmations

Remember Stuart Smalley? “I’m good enough! I’m smart enough! And gosh darn it, people like me!”

Love the color combo!

I have been in a state of depression lately. It’s a cycle for me. For a while I’m up and then I’m down. It’s like a roller-coaster.

Or maybe not. I think there’s this underlying depression that just lies there…and the Effexor is just not enough to keep my head above water. But add anything else, and it messes up my system. I’ve been through this over and over, so I need to focus my energy on something else.

I believe I feel depressed somewhat right now not only because my hormones are out of whack, but also because I haven’t seen the hypnotherapist in a while. I haven’t done any of the visualization exercises, the homework she gave me for our next appointment, or even made another appointment. Part of it is because we have been trying to save money, but the other part of it is when I am depressed, I withdraw. From friends, from family…from life.

I know the only way I can climb out of this slump is to reconnect. To go out. To remember what I have and who I am.

There’s a baseball game on Friday that I’m going to. After my first session with the hypnotist I went to the stadium for the first time in years and I had a blast. I went by myself, got a hot dog and a soda, and ended up sitting right behind home plate. I brought my knitting, talked to the people next to me, and cheered for our team. Then there were fireworks after the game, which were amazing.

Hot wings eating contest after the game

I felt so wonderful that I treated myself, and even though it’s hotter than Hades, I know I need to do this for myself again.

Oooh! Sparkly!

I end up sleeping a lot these days. While I’m alert during the week, I sleep all day on Saturdays. That’s all I want to do. On Sundays Lee and I will go out, but even then I want to take naps.

This Saturday I’m making myself go out. I signed up for a dyeing class that my friend Rose told me about. She’s going to be in the class with me, which gives me more incentive to get out of the house.

Jars of Kool-Aid: Great for dyeing yarn!

As far as those daily affirmations, I haven’t thought about them lately. But I have them in my purse. My hypnotist writes some down on an index card at the end of each session and I’ve been carrying them around.

Here they are. If you want to use any one or more of them, feel free. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me when I’ve used them.

  • More and more I can accept my feelings, soften around them, and breathe through them.
  • More and more I can sense the peaceful stillness at my center.
  • I am a unique and valuable individual.
  • I now open up to life!
  • I say what I want to say when I want to say it in a diplomatic and assertive way.
  • I now take back my power!
  • Because I am kind, funny, and a good friend (insert other positive traits here), I appreciate myself.
  • My safety lies in me.
  • More and more I focus on today and make it the best it can be.

Now that I think about it, it’s time to make another appointment.